About this episode

Published June 9th, 2022, 07:00 am

In this episode, you will hear tips for modifying the Parachute Adams so you can take fewer flies on the water and be more successful at catching fish. Insider Tips Series - Episode 22 - How to and Why You Should Modify the Parachute Adams - Fly Fishing Insider Podcast - FFIP PLEASE SUPPORT OUR SPONSORS TO KEEP THE SHOW GOING. This Episode's Sponsors: This episode is proudly sponsored in part with the following:  Angler's Coffee - www.anglerscoffee.com - @anglerscoffeeco - Business owners and anglers, Angler's Coffee has been on the leading edge of coffee for over 40 years.   Dupe a Fish - www.dupeafish.com - Register Now; we aim to have a comprehensive list of service providers that can guide you in selecting the perfect trip for you and your party. Book a trip now and have your own adventure of a lifetime! www.dupeafish.com and @dupeafish  Lidrig - www.lidrig.com - @lidrig - Innovative products for fly fishing from anglers for anglers. Nippers, Magnetic Fly Patches, and Fly Boxes. Your Host: Christian Bacasa Instagram: @bacasa Like to Read - Check out www.flyfishingforleadership.com Want merch or gear - www.flyfishinginsiderpodcast.com
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Fly Fishing Insider Podcast

How to and Why You Should Modify the Parachute Adams Fly Pattern

