Light the World 2022: A reminder that ‘The World Needs Your Light’ all year

The message of the 2022 Light the World campaign for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is simple: “By following Jesus Christ, the true Light of the World, you can bring a little light into the lives of friends, family members, coworkers and even strangers.” This episode of the Church News podcast focuses on sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ light through the Light the World initiative this Christmas season — and throughout the year. Joining the podcast is Elder W. Mark Bassett, a General Authority Seventy and assistant executive director of the Missionary Department, and Aaron Hall, director of finding for the Missionary Department. Share light as part of this effort by finding a Giving Machine and supporting one of many charities, joining the Church’s kindness conversation on Facebook, and receiving daily prompts

The Church News Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners to make a journey of connection with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the globe. Host Sarah Jane Weaver, reporter and editor for The Church News for a quarter-century, shares a unique view of the stories, events, and most important people who form this international faith. With each episode, listeners are asked to embark on a journey to learn from one another and ponder, “What do I know now?” because of the experience. Produced by KellieAnn Halvorsen.


December 7th, 2022, 06:18 pm

Church News

Light the World 2022: A reminder that ‘The World Needs Your Light’ all year

