Oxford’s the Rev. Dr. Andrew Teal — Part 2: The reverberations of interfaith friendships with David W. Checketts and Deb Checketts, former London England Mission leaders

Last week's Church News podcast was the first in a two-part series featuring the Rev. Dr. Andrew Teal, an Anglican priest and theologian specializing in Christian church history at Oxford's Pembroke College. This episode continues interviews with Rev. Teal in his office and on campus at Oxford University. He is joined for segments of the podcast by David W. Checketts and his wife, Deb Checketts, leaders of the England London mission from 2018 to 2021. They continue a discussion on interfaith friendship and community building.

The Church News Podcast is a weekly podcast that invites listeners to make a journey of connection with members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints across the globe. Host Sarah Jane Weaver, reporter and editor for The Church News for a quarter-century, shares a unique view of the stories, events, and most important people who form this international faith. With each episode, listeners are asked to embark on a journey to learn from one another and ponder, “What do I know now?” because of the experience. Produced by KellieAnn Halvorsen.


November 7th, 2023, 06:00 pm

Church News

Oxford’s the Rev. Dr. Andrew Teal — Part 2: The reverberations of interfaith friendships with David W. Checketts and Deb Checketts, former London England Mission leaders

