About this episode

Published June 20th, 2024, 10:00 am

From catfish to convicted felons, Debbie and Caitlyn spool through their long list of disaster dates after they've connected with men on dating apps. Caitlyn's date stood her up because he got arrested. Not to be outdone by Debbie's coffee date with a convict. In this episode of the new KSL Podcast, Dating at Her Age, we'll laugh about dating fails, the icks we get from men's online dating profiles and men's advice to women about their profiles. Plus how Debbie caught a catfish. This episode’s Dater Hater call is from a women who was fat shamed by a man over a dating app and she shares how she navigated the situation. 

Join the conversation and share your crazy dating story by leaving us a voicemail at 801-575-5599!

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Dating at Her Age

Ick! Our Top Dating App Disaster Stories


1h 17m