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Published April 4th, 2024, 06:53 pm

The first woman who was mowed down by a white car happening in August of 2023 in SLC. Since then, multiple similar incidents have been reporter in February and March leading to the arrest of Ahn Pham, who has been accused of targeting these women in a white Toyato Avalon. Now, We've been reporting on yet another woman -- hit in early march in Summit County, near park city -- and the MO matches all the other cases the man -- Ahn Pham is facing attempted murder charges over.  If this new crash we're learning of in Summit County is officially connected -- and 2 other reports we're following of similar crashes -- we may be closing in on 10 women. Dave and Debbie speak with SLCPD Brent Weisburg on more about the investigation involving the incidents in SLCO and why it took so long to connect the incidents from August to early this year to Pham and why an arrest wasn't made earlier.

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Dave and Dujanovic

SLCPD responds to investigation of serial hit and run incidents

