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Published February 23rd, 2024, 06:27 pm

The gender pay gap in nationally and in Utah. It's surprising how badly it's setting women back -- are we okay earning half a million dollars less over the course of our career than men? Women make $10,000 less than men nationally. In Utah? as of 2020 the US Commission on Civil Rights -- the Utah Advisory Committee -- women in Utah earned 70-cents for every dollar a white male earned, and that disparity could amass to almost a half million dollars over her career. And the pay gap won't close -- if nothing is done.  Debbie and Taylor speak with KSL Legal Analyst Greg Skordas on employee rights when it comes to pay disparities and DMBA Certified Financial Planner Shane Stewart shares how much $10k a year less can mean to a women when it comes to retirement savings.

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Dave and Dujanovic

Women earn $10K less than men per year: the impact of the gender pay gap

