Community Spotlight
Community Spotlight

Community Spotlight

This weekly feature highlights the work people are doing in The Light FM’s listening area. You’ll hear interesting and lively conversations with community difference makers.

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Transforming Tragedy into Hope

Transforming Tragedy into Hope

This episode features a heartfelt and transformative discussion with Larry Lawrence from Christopher's Hope, focusing on the vital issue of suicide prevention. We explore the poignant journey of a father turned advocate after the tragic loss of his son to suicide and the impactful work being done through Hope Squads in schools across South Carolina. Discover how these peer-to-peer programs are equipping students with the skills to support each other and recognize signs of distress, aiming to foster a safer, more supportive environment. Tune in to learn how this initiative is not only changing lives but also how you can get involved in this crucial cause.

Hoofbeats of Hope

Hoofbeats of Hope

Explore the transformative power of equine therapy with Kimberly Clark of Healing With Horses and HKA Ministries in Hickory, North Carolina. Discover how Kimberly and her team utilize horses to address emotional, physical, and spiritual challenges, providing tailored life plans for individuals facing significant life changes. With over 35 years of experience in human development and a deep commitment to her faith, Kimberly's work offers profound insights into achieving personal growth and finding one's purpose through the healing nature of horses. Tune in to learn how you can connect with this life-changing ministry and possibly contribute as a volunteer.

Unveiling the Dream

Unveiling the Dream

Discover the inspiring story of Joseph "The Dreamer" Bailey and his mission to uplift Hendersonville, North Carolina. From correcting community misconceptions to igniting a movement of unity and service, Joseph shares his journey of turning local philanthropy into a global phenomenon. Get ready to be inspired by his vision for transformative events and a brighter future for Hendersonville.

Roadside Revelations

Roadside Revelations

Hear about a unique ministry dedicated to spreading the gospel across America, a;ll from the roadside! In this episode, Pastor Mack of Roadside Ministry shares thrilling tales from his nationwide journey last year, covering 12 states and distributing thousands of copies of the Gospel and essential supplies. Hear about the profound impact they've had on communities and individuals, and get a sneak peek into their upcoming plans for the "Great Awakening Crusade" in 2024. Don't miss this inspiring discussion on the power of faith and community service in motion.

Unlocking Divine Health

Unlocking Divine Health

Discover the divine connection between health and scripture with Dr. Rick Lee from Original Healing Ministry. Delve into the biblical principles behind holistic wellness and explore how God's design for our bodies aligns with optimal health practices. Learn the significance of trusting in God's plan from this insightful conversation, unveiling a profound perspective on achieving vitality and wholeness. Tune in to gain new insights and actionable steps towards embracing a lifestyle of spiritual and physical well-being.

Sharing the Gospel in the Middle of War

Sharing the Gospel in the Middle of War

Discover the inspiring journey of Restore Ukraine in this episode, featuring Yaroslav Hnatusko. As the war in Ukraine persists, learn firsthand about the ongoing struggles faced by its people and how Restore Ukraine is making a tangible impact, having already assisted over 50,000 individuals through various humanitarian efforts. Gain insight into their mission of providing essential supplies, constructing shelters, and offering hope amidst adversity. Tune in to hear powerful stories of resilience and find out how you can support this vital cause directly from your community. Join us in prayer for Ukraine's safety and restoration. Listen now and be part of the solution.

The Importance of a Praying Nation

The Importance of a Praying Nation


Prayer is important! We know that, but do we believe it? Do we treat prayer like it is as important as we say it is? Coming up May 2nd is the National Day of Prayer and the Carolina Baptist Association is putting on a free event in downtown Hendersonville to hopefully re-start the desire of prayer locally and around the area. Hear from Rebecca Moon today as she shares her heart and desire for what God will do this year today on Community Spotlight!

Being the Church

Being the Church

When you read scripture and study the life of Jesus, He went to people in need and custom fit a way to meet them, right? So, if we're called to be like Jesus then shouldn't we go to those in need, build a relationship and learn their needs, then meet them?

That's what BJ Bhenken and a group of believers in Hendersonville, NC think! They see a need and meet it tangibly, then share the love of Jesus. Hear them today on Community Spotlight. 

Hope Out of the Ashes

Hope Out of the Ashes

When you're homeless, you feel outcast and unloved. So, when someone takes the time to show you love, it can make all the difference. So, just think of the opportunity there is to share the hope of Jesus with someone homeless simply by showing them that you care first. Out of the Ashes Ministries in Rutherford County, NC are finding new ways to day that every day, and the heart behind the ministry comes from Pat Chamberlain's personal experience. Hear his story and how he's helping the homeless today on Community Spotlight.

Love Like Jesus Loved

Love Like Jesus Loved

How do we look past the outward appearance of someone and love them for who they are? Someone God created and loved. It's hard sometimes right?! The Cleveland County Rescue Mission is doing that every day. Meeting the physical needs of someone down and out to then meet their spiritual needs. Hear amazing stories and how you can help when you listen to today's Community Spotlight with Micheal Woods. 

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