Scrooge: A Christmas Carol
Scrooge: A Christmas Carol

Scrooge: A Christmas Carol

Be entertained and inspired by a fresh retelling of the Christmas classic.

You know the story of A Christmas Carol, but you’ve never heard it like this. Get drawn into the powerful story of forgiveness and redemption in this all-new audio experience starring Hollywood pros like Sean Astin, John Rhys-Davies, and Juliet Mills.

Companion study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.

If you are feeling like Scrooge this Christmas season and you’d like help finding a church or connecting with a church leader near you, tap


Sean Astin as Scrooge

John Rhys-Davies as Narrator

Clive Standen as Frederick

Bethany Joy Lenz as Elizabeth

Maxwell Caulfield as Marley

Lucy Punch as Ghost of Christmas Past

Ben Barnes as Ghost of Christmas Present

Juliet Mills as Ghost of Christmas Future

Ryan O'Quinn as Bob Cratchit

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"Scrooge: A Christmas Carol" Trailer

"Scrooge: A Christmas Carol" Trailer


Hope Media Group is proud to present an original audio experience: Scrooge: A Christmas Carol. Here's a taste.

Key Links:
Companion study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.

If you are feeling like Scrooge this Christmas season and you’d like help finding a church or connecting with a church leader near you, tap

Part 1: Ebenezer Scrooge and His Unexpected Visit from Jacob MarleyPart 2: The Ghost of Christmas PastPart 3: The Ghost of Christmas Present

Part 3: The Ghost of Christmas Present

In Part 3, we dive deeper into Scrooge's transformative journey as the Ghost of Christmas Present takes center stage. As the story unfolds, we witness the power of hope, the consequences of past actions, and the joy of embracing the present. 

Key Links:
Free 5 Part Bible Study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.


Part 4: The Ghost of Christmas Future

Part 4: The Ghost of Christmas Future

In the final episode, Scrooge is confronted with a view of a future that does not include him. The experience causes him to reevaluate the way he is living and inspires him to make important changes to how he treats those around him.
Key Links:
Free 5 Part Bible Study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.


Bonus Episode 1: Finding Hope, Love and Faith in Desperate Situations

Bonus Episode 1: Finding Hope, Love and Faith in Desperate Situations

Key Links:
Free 5 Part Bible Study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.



Bonus Episode 2: People Can Be Redeemed

Bonus Episode 2: People Can Be Redeemed


Key Links:
Free 5 Part Bible Study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.



"God Bless Us, Every One" (Theme from Scrooge: A Christmas Carol) by Kerrie Roberts

"God Bless Us, Every One" (Theme from Scrooge: A Christmas Carol) by Kerrie Roberts

Written by Kerrie Roberts and Jeff Savage

Produced and Mixed by Jeff Savage

©2023 Hope Media Group


Key Links:
Companion study:
Compassion International:

Presented by Hope Media Group and Compassion International.

Find fun & meaningful content for a joyful, confident faith at Hope Nation.

Release a child from poverty through Compassion International.

If you are feeling like Scrooge this Christmas season and you’d like help finding a church or connecting with a church leader near you, tap

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