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Published January 3rd, 2024, 05:00 am

It's easy to set goals that are more like wishes - but what about setting goals you can actually attain?

Carol, Tricia and Kelly are looking back and looking ahead at the new year and setting goals instead of making New Year's Resolutions.

Let go of the 'all or nothing' mentality and accept taking baby steps as as a successful method of hitting your goals!

  1. Start Small: They discuss the value of starting with small, manageable steps rather than aiming for large, often unattainable goals. For instance, beginning with a 10-minute walk rather than committing to an hour at the gym three times a week.

  2. Little Habits Make A Big Difference: Build everyday habits rather than just setting goals. 

  3. Make It Easy: Practical is the way to go! Carol changes into her workout clothes and tennis shoes right after work to make exercise a priority. What are some practical ways you can prioritize your goals?

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Girl Talk

Setting Goals (And Actually Following Through)

