School supply talk!? Already!? AJ shares that the promised "day of fun" quickly turned left as it became school shopping day! THE HORROR! What grade will Tracy receive this week?
July 19th, 2024, 12:56 pm
AJ's Mama Drama
School supply talk!? Already!? AJ shares that the promised "day of fun" quickly turned left as it became school shopping day! THE HORROR!
Published July 19th, 2024, 12:56 pm
School supply talk!? Already!? AJ shares that the promised "day of fun" quickly turned left as it became school shopping day! THE HORROR! What grade will Tracy receive this week?
AJ's Mama Drama
Every Friday AJ, who recently became a student in Drama School, will be giving a rating for Tracy's week and recapping the drama that did, or did not ensue!