What time is it in the song THUNDER ROLLS from Garth? Heidi from Henderson guessed midnight. Is she right? Get signed up to play at KYGO.com...Heidi lost today but she still won 4 tix to ICE: POLAR EXPRESS, happening at Gaylord of the Rockies!
November 7th, 2024, 02:52 pm
Can't Beat Tracy
"...and the thunder rolls"
Published November 7th, 2024, 02:52 pm
What time is it in the song THUNDER ROLLS from Garth? Heidi from Henderson guessed midnight. Is she right? Get signed up to play at KYGO.com...Heidi lost today but she still won 4 tix to ICE: POLAR EXPRESS, happening at Gaylord of the Rockies!
Can't Beat Tracy
Weekdays at 7:30am KYGO listeners have a chance to test their pop culture knowledge and try to win $100 of Tracy’s money with Can’t Beat Tracy!