Dave and Dujanovic
46% of renters don't think they will own a home until age 40 or older  
A recent survey by Newsweek Vault found that 1 in 4 Americans never see homeownership in their future, and 46% of current renters don’t think they will own a home until they are 40 or older. KSL NewsRadio Producer Caitlyn Johnston weighs in on why herself and others may be thinking this way.  

November 5th, 2024, 07:52 pm

Dave and Dujanovic

46% of renters don't think they will own a home until age 40 or older  



46% of renters don't think they will own a home until age 40 or older  

Published November 5th, 2024, 07:52 pm


A recent survey by Newsweek Vault found that 1 in 4 Americans never see homeownership in their future, and 46% of current renters don’t think they will own a home until they are 40 or older. KSL NewsRadio Producer Caitlyn Johnston weighs in on why herself and others may be thinking this way.  



Dave and Dujanovic

What happens when a seasoned, award-winning investigative journalist and a well-known and very funny sports reporter get together to talk about news and politics? Dave Noriega and Debbie Dujanovic, also known as D2, join forces, mornings on KSL Newsradio.

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