Dave and Dujanovic
The race for Utah's U.S. Senate seat

The U.S. Senate race in Utah took a turn this week - how likely is it that every candidate who is putting their hat in the ring will end up on the ballot? Utah House Speaker and Senate candidate Brad Wilson joins the show.


January 5th, 2024, 05:12 pm

Dave and Dujanovic

The race for Utah's U.S. Senate seat



The race for Utah's U.S. Senate seat

Published January 5th, 2024, 05:12 pm


The U.S. Senate race in Utah took a turn this week - how likely is it that every candidate who is putting their hat in the ring will end up on the ballot? Utah House Speaker and Senate candidate Brad Wilson joins the show.



Dave and Dujanovic

What happens when a seasoned, award-winning investigative journalist and a well-known and very funny sports reporter get together to talk about news and politics? Dave Noriega and Debbie Dujanovic, also known as D2, join forces, mornings on KSL Newsradio.

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