Highlights - The John Curley Show
Highlights - The John Curley Show

Highlights - The John Curley Show

Every weekday, John Curley has an irreverent take on the news. From big stories to small ones, they all get the Curley treatment and you’ll be left laughing and thinking about the headlines in different way.

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John Curley on Gold Card Program

John Curley on Gold Card Program

John Curley, host of "The John Curley Show" on KIRO Newsradio, gave his opinion on the gold cards.

Extending the life of your dog

Extending the life of your dog

Dr. Brennen McKenzie - Veterinarian



Sam Campbell joins John Curley to Break Down Bob Ferguson's Budget Proposal

Sam Campbell joins John Curley to Break Down Bob Ferguson's Budget Proposal

John breaks down the notable moments from Bob Ferguson's budget proposal and John maintains cautious optimism

Discussion on Initiative Killer

Discussion on Initiative Killer

Discussion on Initiative Killer

Matt Markovich's Wheel of Legislative Lunacy - 2-26-25

Matt Markovich's Wheel of Legislative Lunacy - 2-26-25

John & Matt discuss:
  • Washington's looming budget crisis (we get a third of our budget from the Federal gov)
  • Update on the tobacco tax 
  • The initiative killer bill is dead 
  • The unemployment insurance for undocumented workers bill is dead
  • Sen. Manka Dhingra says Washington state is a beacon of hope amidst "Trump Turmoil"
Matt Markovich's Wheel of Legislative Lunacy - 2-25-25

Matt Markovich's Wheel of Legislative Lunacy - 2-25-25

John and Matt discuss:

  • Interest free, taxpayer funded loans for Washintonians to buy art
  • The "no new taxes" hypothetical scare tactic
  • 10 MPH speed limits, coming to a town near you
John Unloads on Rep. Roger Goodman's Assertion that We Can't Can't Criminalize Drug Addicted Parents Who Endanger Their Children

John Unloads on Rep. Roger Goodman's Assertion that We Can't Can't Criminalize Drug Addicted Parents Who Endanger Their Children

John unloads on State Rep. Roger Goodman for his assertion that we can't criminalize drug addicted parents even if their behavior puts their children in mortal danger

Matt Markovich's Wheel of Legislative Lunacy - 2-21-25

Matt Markovich's Wheel of Legislative Lunacy - 2-21-25

John and Matt Discuss:

- A New Nicotine Tax  

- Repealing Clean Air Standards 

- All Cities and Counties Must Adhere to “Best Available Science” During a Pandemic 


John Curley on Chris Reykdal

John Curley on Chris Reykdal

John Curley weighs in on Chris Reykdal refusing DEI initiatives.

Pharmacy Owner in Texas Reveals the Shocking Amount Insurance Companies Inflate Prescription Prices

Pharmacy Owner in Texas Reveals the Shocking Amount Insurance Companies Inflate Prescription Prices

Brad Hart is the owner of Forest Park Pharmacy in Fort Worth, Texas.  He switched to a wholesale "no-insurance" business model after he nearly had to close due to disappearing profit margins and having to compete with insurance company owned pharmacies.  


He claims Medicaid paid $590 million for 155,000 prescriptions of dimethyl feramate in 2022.  At Brad’s pharmacy, that would have cost $10 million, meaning the government overpaid by $580 million on one drug, in one year.   


Brad pulls back the curtain on how insurance company middlemen grossly inflate the cost of prescription drugs creating billions in profits for the insurance companies while the bill, as far as Medicaid in concerned, is laid at the feet of the tax paying public.   

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