Inside Sources
J.D. Tuccille: Federalism Could Potentially Be America's Healing Balm

In an era of escalating political polarization and increasing tensions between Americans of differing ideologies, a potential solution emerges: decentralizing power. This approach, rooted in the principles of federalism, suggests that by shifting more authority from the federal government to state and local levels, we might reduce the intensity of national political conflicts. J.D. Tuccille from Reason shares that by making federal elections less consequential, proponents argue, we could potentially lower the stakes and cool the heated rhetoric that has come to dominate our national discourse. There is a delicate balance between national unity and local autonomy, and to imagine a political landscape where diversity in policy-making might actually foster greater harmony among citizens is something for all of us to think about.


July 17th, 2024, 09:01 pm

Inside Sources

J.D. Tuccille: Federalism Could Potentially Be America's Healing Balm



J.D. Tuccille: Federalism Could Potentially Be America's Healing Balm

Published July 17th, 2024, 09:01 pm


In an era of escalating political polarization and increasing tensions between Americans of differing ideologies, a potential solution emerges: decentralizing power. This approach, rooted in the principles of federalism, suggests that by shifting more authority from the federal government to state and local levels, we might reduce the intensity of national political conflicts. J.D. Tuccille from Reason shares that by making federal elections less consequential, proponents argue, we could potentially lower the stakes and cool the heated rhetoric that has come to dominate our national discourse. There is a delicate balance between national unity and local autonomy, and to imagine a political landscape where diversity in policy-making might actually foster greater harmony among citizens is something for all of us to think about.



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