KSL Greenhouse
Pruning Roses 
Welcome to The KSL Greenhouse Show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen every Saturday from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio App. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • Feature: Pruning roses 
  • How can I prevent weeds that are blowing in from neighbor’s lawns?
  • Is there something I should be doing differently with my raspberries?
  • What can I do to get rid of the Bermuda grass overtaking my lawn?
  • If the Glacier tomato seed packet says 56 days to maturity, does that mean 56 days from the transplant date or from germination?
  • What is saltgrass, and how do I get rid of it?
  • What is the best way to get rid of raspberries to replace them with a different variety?
  • When should I overseed my lawn?
  • Is it safe to spray weed control if I’ve already spread grass seed?
  • What are some columnar apple and pear trees that do well on Salt Lake City's bench?
  • What can I do about the annual bluegrass growing on my 50-year-old lawn?
  • How long do I wait after applying pre-emergent to put down lawn seed?
  • What depth do I check the soil temperature? 
  • Is it too early to put root stimulator on my trees?
  • What vine would be good to grow over a white vinyl fence that's bordering a school yard?
  • Is there anything I can do to protect my lawn from dog traffic?
  • What are some best practices for pre-emergent and aeration?
  • How can I start growing alpine strawberries indoors?
  • When should I apply Acelepryn to control billbugs?
  • Can I plant tulip bulbs now for next year?
  • How can I manage the large mulberry trees in my yard?
  • When should I remove the white tree wrap from new trees?
  • Is there a correct way to plant bare-root red cedars?
  • What is the best way to prune my old lilac and get rid of the ivy covering it?
  • How do I get rid of grape hyacinths?
  • How do I control the whitetop and bindweed growing on my lawn?
  • Will the rain wash away the pre-emergent?

March 30th, 2024, 05:07 pm

KSL Greenhouse

Pruning Roses 



Pruning Roses 

Published March 30th, 2024, 05:07 pm


Welcome to The KSL Greenhouse Show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen every Saturday from 8am to 11am at 102.7 FM, 1160 AM, kslnewsradio.com, or on the KSL NewsRadio App. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram at @kslgreenhouse. Happy planting! #KSLGreenhouse 
  • Feature: Pruning roses 
  • How can I prevent weeds that are blowing in from neighbor’s lawns?
  • Is there something I should be doing differently with my raspberries?
  • What can I do to get rid of the Bermuda grass overtaking my lawn?
  • If the Glacier tomato seed packet says 56 days to maturity, does that mean 56 days from the transplant date or from germination?
  • What is saltgrass, and how do I get rid of it?
  • What is the best way to get rid of raspberries to replace them with a different variety?
  • When should I overseed my lawn?
  • Is it safe to spray weed control if I’ve already spread grass seed?
  • What are some columnar apple and pear trees that do well on Salt Lake City's bench?
  • What can I do about the annual bluegrass growing on my 50-year-old lawn?
  • How long do I wait after applying pre-emergent to put down lawn seed?
  • What depth do I check the soil temperature? 
  • Is it too early to put root stimulator on my trees?
  • What vine would be good to grow over a white vinyl fence that's bordering a school yard?
  • Is there anything I can do to protect my lawn from dog traffic?
  • What are some best practices for pre-emergent and aeration?
  • How can I start growing alpine strawberries indoors?
  • When should I apply Acelepryn to control billbugs?
  • Can I plant tulip bulbs now for next year?
  • How can I manage the large mulberry trees in my yard?
  • When should I remove the white tree wrap from new trees?
  • Is there a correct way to plant bare-root red cedars?
  • What is the best way to prune my old lilac and get rid of the ivy covering it?
  • How do I get rid of grape hyacinths?
  • How do I control the whitetop and bindweed growing on my lawn?
  • Will the rain wash away the pre-emergent?



KSL Greenhouse

Welcome to the KSL Greenhouse show! Join hosts Maria Shilaos and Taun Beddes as they talk about all things plants, tackle your toughest gardening questions, and offer tips that can help you maintain a beautiful yard. Listen live on Saturdays from 8-11am.

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