No Copay Radio airs 7:30 AM to 8AM on Sunday mornings on KOSI 101.1. Hosted by Murphy Huston and Sponsored by D.R.C.O.G….the Denver Regional Council of Governments area agency on aging. We interview medical people..all helping seniors and their care givers that assistance in dealing with issues that impact them directly. We also have Dr. John Douglas from Tri County Health on every week for updates on COVID-19.
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RSS FeedWe talke with Jayla Sanchez Warren from DRCOG about getting state and federal funding to help the many seniors in Coloradeo with their health needs and hoe the need is big.Then we talk with Dr. John Douglas fabout the health benefits of Dark chocoalte especially during the holidays.
We talk with Dr. John Douglas about the possible effects of OZEMBIC on Alzheimers disease.
Then we talk with Dr. Nicole Ehrhart with CSU's Columbine Health Systems Center for Healthy Aging. She address that very topic..aging and what to do about it.
We talk with Gregg Moss from Intermountain Health and the good and bad about sugar intake esoecially around the holidays. Could be a big cause for type 2 diabetes
The we talk Dr. John Douglas formerly the director of Tri-County Health as he updates Bird flu amd what it is all about.
We talk with Dr. Chris Awtrey from Intermountain Health aboput handling you food opver the holiday especially when it means to [possible Diabetes issues.
The we visit with Dr, John Douglas about Floride and what it could mean to your system.
We talk with Desiree Bolte from DROCG she helps people navigate the Medicare and Medicaid systems. No charge. She will help you understand your options during medicare open enrollment.
The we talk with Dr. Stephanie Melzer who is an optmetrist. She explains about Cataracts abd how that works and about the effect of diabetes and your eyes.
We talk with Gregg Moss from Intemountain Health about how to handle your eating on Thanksgiving day.
Then we talk with Cameron Malcom a clinical social worker about how to handle Thanksgiving day conversations
We talk with Dr. Chris Awtrey the Chief Medical Officer for Intermountain Health. He talks about the winter colds anf flu that are on the way and already here. What to do about it, also Covid is still around.
The we Talk with Dr. John Douglas formerly the director of Tri-county health. He talks about hypertension and what it is all about and who it effects. What are the results of high blood pressure.
We talked with Hilary Simmons who is the Director of..A LITTLE HELP..shw explains how it works and how it stsarted to help the aging around their home. Sh explains how you can get involved.
Then Dr. John Douglas is back to talk about Covid and this years flu season and what to do about it
This week we talk with Sydney Bye who is the public policy and strategic partnership at Next 50. she tells us about all the work that Next50 does supportinour world especially in Denver taking care of senior issues. How you can get involved
The we tak with Dr, John Douglasformer director of Tri-county health and he worked with the CDC. He covers the E-Coli story with McDonalds and how that happened and the effect here in Colorado
We talk with Andres Guerro who is director of the Overdose Prevention Unit in the Prevebtion Services Division at the Colorado Department of Public Health and Envfiropment. He tells us thre news about fentanyl and why we should be concerned. How it is effecting seniors. He explains what Naloxone is.
The we talke with Rebbecca Mitchell who is a Community Engagement Coordinator at Jefferson Center for Mental Health, She talks about trends that are currently in the mental health needs of older adults. What resources are available tp help older adults and more.