"O Holy Night" is a widely popular and sacred song about the birth of Jesus Christ. In this special feature from Family Life News, anchor Mark Webster tells the remarkable story of the song's origins and it's profound impact on believers around the world.
Loneliness & Change & Decisions to Make at the Holidays
A Special Feature from Family Life News
Loneliness or family tensions are around the Christmas tree this month, for many people. If you are feeling a bit of a "Blue Christmas" this season, hear this advice from Christian counselor Mark Mayfield.
Dr. Mayfield offers his insights on why the social expectations, personal changes and various setbacks make December so hard for so many people. He tells Family Life interviewer Greg Gillispie that many people seem to handle depression, disappointments and lonely feels pretty well most of the year, but that the intensity of year-end causes harder emotions to pop out.
He offers explanations of why this happens, plus suggestions on how to handle challenged relationships. set boundaries, create a circle of supportive friends, and to choose to go ahead to take part in events like December worship, small group gatherings and other meaningful events -- even if circumstances have changes since your original memories are made.
Dr. Mayfield also explains that Seasonal Affective Disorder, "SAD", is a real problem in the winter for about 1 in every 20 people. For that diminished daylight and cloudy seasons, he also has a recommendation on how our bodies can reduce SAD's effects.
Dr. Mark Mayfield is the Director of Practice and Ministry Development for the American Association of Christian Counselors [website: AACC.net]. He also is editor of thier Marriage & Family: A Christian Journal and we wrote a book and curriculum for mental health practitioners and congregations on loneliness. He also teaches at Colorado Christian University.
A deep dive into the once-again-timely issue of nuclear weapons.
With Russia now opening the door to nuclear threats against Ukraine (and perhaps other nations), and with Iran's nuclear program approaching its readiness milestone, the topic is front and center in renewed ways.
Family Life News reached out to nationally-known author and journalist Annie Jacobson. Earlier this year, she published a well-researched exploration into the threats, history and potential realities, if a nuclear war would ever start.
Investigative journalist Annie Jacobson
The unique challenges -- and opportunities -- for congregations in rural areas and smaller towns.
The Center for Rural Ministry is housed at Grove City College offers networking and resources for smaller and midsized churches across a four-state region. Their executive director the Rev. Charlie Cotherman joins Greg Gillispie to delve into today's realities for rural churches.
In this special Family Life podcast, you will hear about attitudes and vitality, the strengths of smaller churches, and how the Center for Rural Ministry has effectively connected a variety of young people with congregations in smaller towns. Cotherman also says good networking and support for rural pastors is vitally important, not only for the clergy but for those congregations.
For more information, to find resources to be shared with leadership boards and visioning groups, or to get plugged in to the Center's offerings, go to www.ruralministry.org