Coolest Geek Alive
Coolest Geek Alive

Coolest Geek Alive

Jesse Blaze Snider is the hero we need, bipartisan & scrutinizing. Like a nerd culture Arthur Fonzarelli, he will give you that perfect advice you need or jump some sharks to save the day himself. He’s a geek like you. A fan of the source material FIRST, who believes that geeks need to get their geek news from other geeks or it’s all bull$#!+. He’s a professional comic book writer whose credits include Marvel, DC, Image, Disney*Pixar, the Muppets & a lot more. He’s an English major, a music minor & a damn good broadcast journalist since the age of 19. Truly, you’ve never met a more humble taste-making mortal than this lovable muppet of a man. He even wrote this bio. JBS believes that the world deserves better MYTHS and he’s NOT GONNA TAKE IT…not anymore. Some things…are worth fighting for. Join us, won’t you?

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“Deadpool & Wolverine” - COOLEST PICKS!

“Deadpool & Wolverine” - COOLEST PICKS!

Ryan Reynolds & Hugh Jackman, what you've just created is one of the most insanely awesome things the Coolest Geek Alive & his TWO young CHILDREN have ever seen! At no point in your completely off the wall approach to bringing Deadpool into the Marvel Cinematic Universe were you close to anything that might be considered dull! Every listener of this podcast will be better for having watched your film. We award you all of the points, and may God bless your souls eternally.

Amazon's "The BOYS" from STUD to DUD: WHY we CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

Amazon's "The BOYS" from STUD to DUD: WHY we CAN'T HAVE NICE THINGS!

When Amazon released the 1st season of "The Boys" the Coolest Geek Alive was THRILLED with the adaptation that improved upon its source material in many ways. A great cast delivered on the promise that its comic book premise held by humanizing the debaucherous superheroes of their world & making them a bit more than the cartoon cutouts often depicted in the comics. But 3 seasons later and Jesse Blaze Snider has come to warn you and break down the subtle and insidious changes and hyper politicization that has brought the shows "audience score" below 50% with season 4.

Coolest Picks - “Zoolander”

Coolest Picks - “Zoolander”

Ben Stiller, what you've just created is one of the most insanely awesome things the Coolest Geek Alive has ever seen! At no point in your grounded, real-world approach to creating a supermodel universe were you even close to anything that could be considered unfunny. Every listener of this podcast will be better for having watched this triumph of a film. We award you all of the points, and may God bless your soul eternally.

REAL ACTUAL RACISM: 1st FINN, then T'CHALLA; Disney DOES IT AGAIN w/ Captain America 4!?!?!

REAL ACTUAL RACISM: 1st FINN, then T'CHALLA; Disney DOES IT AGAIN w/ Captain America 4!?!?!

Since it wasn't an ensemble cast like "The Force Awakens" they couldn't shrink him on the poster and hope the other characters would compensate. And they couldn't cover him up with his helmet like they did for Black Panther, because the Falscon-Cap version of Captain America has NEVER had a mask/helmet that covered his face before. Buuuuut what if they MADE HIM ONE...! Just for China, of course. The coolest Geek Alive thinks that we should come together to call this out and not stand for this convenient money minded racism. Join Jesse Blaze Snider as he talks about this and more including some very interesting personal Hollywood horror stories from friends, family and his own life.

SAVING ENTERTAINMENT: "Help us, Obi-Geek Kenobi, you're our only hope!"

SAVING ENTERTAINMENT: "Help us, Obi-Geek Kenobi, you're our only hope!"

The time has come for a radical revolution in entertainment, but HOW are we gonna pull it off? The Coolest Geek Alive believes he has the answers! With Hollywood seeming determined to set fire to everything they've built, can a new world be made from the ashes? Jesse Blaze Snider sure thinks so. Check it out!

Coolest Classics - “Momento”

Coolest Classics - “Momento”

“Sometimes there’s a film… I won’t say a masterpiece, ‘cause what’s a masterpiece? But sometimes there’s a film. And I’m talkin’ about the “Momento” here. Sometimes there’s a film that, well, it’s the film for its time and place. It fits right in there. And that’s the “Momento”, in the early 2000's indie film world. And even if the film would launch its writers & director, the Nolan Brothers to stardom – and the “Memento” most certainly did. But sometimes there’s a film… sometimes, there’s a film. Aw. I lost my train of thought here. But – aw, hell. I’ve done introduced it enough.” - Jesse Blaze Snider, the Coolest Narrator Alive

GEEK CULTURE PSY-OP: How FANS were SUCKED into the center of the CULTURE WAR!

GEEK CULTURE PSY-OP: How FANS were SUCKED into the center of the CULTURE WAR!

Travistock Institute. CIA & the music industry. Hip-Hop & P-Diddy. How GEEK CULTURE became the number one target of the financial elite who have long used entertainment to terraform our society. Jesse Blaze Snider has been fighting the good fight against this rising tide, talking about it the way everyone else does, like their creative mistakes are accidental. The Coolest Geek Alive is here to tell you, there is nothing accidental about ANYTHING that is happening right now and its honestly all going EXACTLY the way those at the tippy top of the power pyramid would most want. Listen carefully to what Jesse has to say and share a new perspective within the fandom that could actually SAVE US ALL!

Coolest Pick - "Brawl in Cell Block 99"

Coolest Pick - "Brawl in Cell Block 99"

“Brawl in Cell Block 99", what you've just created is one of the most insanely awesome things the Coolest Geek Alive has ever seen! At no point in your hard-boiled, brutally violent almost 2 & 1/2 hour run-time were you even close to anything that could be considered boring. Every listener of this podcast is now better for having watched this. We award you all of the points, and may God bless your soul eternally.

RACISM & SEXISM ALIVE & WELL in HOLLYWOOD! (O'Keefe, Kitsch, Disney Files & personal stories from the CGA!)

RACISM & SEXISM ALIVE & WELL in HOLLYWOOD! (O'Keefe, Kitsch, Disney Files & personal stories from the CGA!)

Racism & Sexism are alive and well in Hollywood! With undeniable proof beginning to pile up, how much longer before a shitstorm of discrimination lawsuits begin? And what about the more insidious racism & sexism of TOKENISM & simply TERRIBLE WRITING & TERRIBLE CHARACTERS which give TERRIBLE REPRESENTATION?! The Coolest Geek Alive has a lot to say, join Jesse Blaze Snider as he gives you his honest feedback on what the temperature of the room has been in Hollywood for the last decade and half of him living there! Join us won't you.

Coolest Classics - “Escape From New York”

Coolest Classics - “Escape From New York”

“Sometimes there’s a film… I won’t say a masterpiece, ‘cause what’s a masterpiece? But sometimes there’s a film. And I’m talkin’ about the “Escape From New York” here. Sometimes there’s a film that, well, it’s the film for its time & place. It fits right in there. And that’s the “Escape From New York”, in the early 80s. And even if the film spawned a much lesser sequel– and the “Escape From New York” most certainly did. But sometimes there’s a film… sometimes, there’s a film. Aw. I lost my train of thought here. But – aw, hell. I’ve done introduced it enough.” - Jesse Blaze Snider, the Coolest Narrator Alive

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