Music And Me: Abdul Mutalib
Tania was definitely one of the more flamboyant bands in Singapore's past. Listen in to bassist Abdul Mutalib on how the band got started and their journey through the years

Music And Me: Robert Chee
One of the founding members of The Adapters, discover how his passion led him to chose a life of music.

Music And Me: Spencer Goh
Learn about his guitar play with Tony, Terry and Spencer and how it influences his musical exploits to this day.

Music And Me: Leslie Chang
Those in the racing and rallying fraternity will know Leslie Chang but how well do you know him ... Listen in and get to know him better ....

Music And Me: Teresa Carpio
Teresa was recently in Singapore for a 2 night concert and we caught up with her for a chat. Listen to her story, how she got started in singing and what is she doing nowadays ...

Music And Me: Simon Nasser
Back in the day, if you've ever bought a record from Valentines, you would have met him. Simon Nasser is a walking dictionary for recorded music. He has a passion and a good ear for spotting hits ... Listen to his session with Brian Richmond and get to know Simon better ...

Music And Me: Dan Ebenezer
Bit of a rascal and rebel when he was younger, but all that changed when he found his purpose ... Listen to Dan Ebenezer's story as he opens up and shares his stories with Brian. Oh, and he is affectionately known as "Gana" to his friends ...

Music And Me: Eric Paine
Hailed as one of the best goalkeepers of the Singapore national football team, Eric Paine speaks with Brian Richmond as they go down memory lane.

Music And Me: Terry Pathmanathan
Respectfully called "Captain Marvel" by his team mates in the National football squad for his leadership, Terry Pathmanathan shares his stories here with Brian Richmond for Music And Me ... Believe it or not, Uncle Choo spoke to him twice to convince him to join the National Squad ...

Music And Me: Jack Sim
Known as the 'toilet king', serial entrepreneur, Mr Jack Sim shares his childhood stories, his many ventures in business, why he chose to champion the cause of humanitarian, developmental, and advocacy work for sanitation. Also, he shares his unique view of time ....