Girl Talk
Trusting God Beyond Politics: Election 2024

Election season can bring out strong emotions, especially when the results don't align with our expectations. In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, the ladies dive into how to keep a Christ-centered perspective when navigating the political landscape. They remind us that no president or candidate can truly save the world — only Jesus can.

Social Media Quotes:

  1. “Jesus isn’t up for election, and thank God for that — He’s the only one who can truly bring hope!”
  2. “Our hope isn’t in who sits in the White House, it’s in the One who sits on the throne.”
  3. “Love your neighbor. That’s what matters, not who they voted for.”

Main Points:

  1. God is in control no matter who wins the election. The ladies remind us that our hope is in Jesus, not political leaders.
  2. Engage in loving, respectful conversations. Instead of yelling or staying silent, there is a middle ground of love-informed, faith-based dialogue.
  3. Pray for leaders, even those you didn’t vote for. We are called to pray for all leaders, trusting that God can work through anyone.


  1. Your hope should be in Jesus, not in political outcomes. Regardless of election results, God’s plan is never thwarted.
  2. Engage in politics with humility and love. Don’t sacrifice relationships in the name of being right; seek to understand others and love them well.
  3. Pray for revival. The greatest change happens when hearts are turned to Christ, and revival starts with prayer.

BIG thank you to Compassion International for making 2024 season of Girl Talk Podcast possible! Join the Girl Talk Compassion team here!


November 6th, 2024, 05:00 am

Girl Talk

Trusting God Beyond Politics: Election 2024



Trusting God Beyond Politics: Election 2024

Published November 6th, 2024, 05:00 am


Election season can bring out strong emotions, especially when the results don't align with our expectations. In this episode of the Girl Talk Podcast, the ladies dive into how to keep a Christ-centered perspective when navigating the political landscape. They remind us that no president or candidate can truly save the world — only Jesus can.

Social Media Quotes:

  1. “Jesus isn’t up for election, and thank God for that — He’s the only one who can truly bring hope!”
  2. “Our hope isn’t in who sits in the White House, it’s in the One who sits on the throne.”
  3. “Love your neighbor. That’s what matters, not who they voted for.”

Main Points:

  1. God is in control no matter who wins the election. The ladies remind us that our hope is in Jesus, not political leaders.
  2. Engage in loving, respectful conversations. Instead of yelling or staying silent, there is a middle ground of love-informed, faith-based dialogue.
  3. Pray for leaders, even those you didn’t vote for. We are called to pray for all leaders, trusting that God can work through anyone.


  1. Your hope should be in Jesus, not in political outcomes. Regardless of election results, God’s plan is never thwarted.
  2. Engage in politics with humility and love. Don’t sacrifice relationships in the name of being right; seek to understand others and love them well.
  3. Pray for revival. The greatest change happens when hearts are turned to Christ, and revival starts with prayer.

BIG thank you to Compassion International for making 2024 season of Girl Talk Podcast possible! Join the Girl Talk Compassion team here!



Girl Talk

For women who want engaging conversations about authentic faith. Each episode will teach, encourage and make you laugh.


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