Let's Get Moving with Maria
Let's Get Moving with Maria

Let's Get Moving with Maria

Make time to get moving on things that can make a difference in your life, with just 15 or 20 minutes at a go. From physical to mental fitness, organization and beyond, Maria Shilaos tackles real change in a way even the least motivated among us can manage.

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How telehealth is revolutionizing health care

How telehealth is revolutionizing health care

While telehealth services were more commonly utilized during the pandemic, it seems like the telehealth era is just beginning. Let's Get Moving Host Maria Shilaos speaks with CAPT Heather Dimeris, Director for the Office for the Advancement of Telehealth (OAT) in HRSA, to learn how the new developments in telehealth are improving the way health care is being provided to patients nationwide.

Instagram: @movingmaria

Facebook: Let's Get Moving with Maria

Website: https://linktr.ee/letsgetmovingwithmaria

Be mindful of these summer water safety tipsThe ultimate travel preparation checklist (part 2)Don't skip the sunscreen before heading outside!Foods and drinks linked to anxiety

Foods and drinks linked to anxiety

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, roughly 40 million adults in the U.S. suffer from anxiety disorder. Can the foods and drinks we put into our digestive system trigger and even worsen it? Let's Get Moving Host Maria Shilaos speaks with DrJulie Gatza, Health Educator and Co-founder of the Florida Wellness Institute, to learn what to eat and what to avoid to reduce anxiety.

Instagram: @movingmaria

Facebook: Let's Get Moving with Maria

Website: https://linktr.ee/letsgetmovingwithmaria

Tips for a happy and healthy summerThe impact of spring colors on mental healthBoost your immune system with good nutritionUnderstanding mental health issues as a public health threat

Understanding mental health issues as a public health threat

According to the latest Axios-Ipsos American Health Index, almost 90% of people say mental health issues are one of the biggest public health threats in today's society. Let's Get Moving Host Maria Shilaos speaks with Dr. Frank Anderson, Psychiatrist, Trauma Specialist, and Author of To Be Loved: A Story of Truth, Trauma, and Transformation, to learn more about the study as well as what we can do to tackle these mental health concerns.

Instagram: @movingmaria

Facebook: Let's Get Moving with Maria

Website: https://linktr.ee/letsgetmovingwithmaria

Is stress hurting your sleep? Here's what you can do
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