Episode 3: Nutrition and Prevention.
One of the components that goes a long way towards preventing Sarcopenia is what you consume ... have a listen to what our nutritionist have to suggest to help you stay healthy and strong

Episode 4: Resistance Exercising!
Our last episode, hosted by Brian Richmond, speaks on the treatment of sarcopenia. Together with Ms Pradha Raju, a Senior Principal Physiotherapist from Rapid Physiocare, they will discuss the importance of exercising and suggest methods for you to incorporate resistance training into your daily lives!

Episode 2: Signs of Sarcopenia.
In our second episode of Stronger For Longer, Dr Melanie Tan, a consultant in the Division of Geriatric Medicine shares with us the telltale signs of sarcopenia and its risks! Listen to this podcast to learn how you can identify certain signs when it comes to losing your muscle mass as you age...

Episode 1: What is Sarcopenia?
Welcome to the first episode of Stronger For Longer where we are joined by Dr Melanie Tan, a consultant in the Division of Geriatric Medicine from Ng Teng Fong General Hospital to introduce the definition of sarcopenia as well as various examples and consequences! Listen to this podcast to find out how sarcopenia can affect you.